Ensures that the press can be run as a single-man operation
No longer any need for the operator to take 20 mins to turn a pile. Why pay an assistant?- No Health and Safety issues from back injury
Less time off work. End of manual handling. - Press keeps running longer between blanket cleans
Cost benefit. - Any member of the company can operate the pile turner
Doesn’t have to be the press operator (normally one of the most highly-paid members of staff) - Enables the press to be run consistently at higher speeds
Greater productivity. More sheets on the floor. - 1 minute to turn a pile, 4-5 minutes to turn, air and jog a pile
Far less down-time. More jobs run during a shift. Cost benefit. - Pay-back period can be as short as 3 years
H.P. on B2 model with airing & jogging is approx. £650 per month over 3 yrs.- approx. £160 per week – approx. £32 per day. Stopping the press for 20 mins. while the operator is on his knees turning the pile costs more than £32! Repeat this with every pile during the day! Basic B2 model (SE 90) is £250 per month over 3 yrs. - No on-going costs
2 year warranty, thereafter no servicing or maintenance. - Factor in jobs which might be rejected by a trade laminator
These are the jobs which have to be put through the press again to remove excessive spray powder – an expensive use of the press. Pile turner will do this!